Schwab of St. Louis Autumn & Winter Fashions Booklet 1906-1907 Ridgeway MO


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Stoughten & Bennet of Ridgeway, MO, present a small advertising booklet or magazine featuring men’s fashion of 1906-1907. 

“Autumn & Winter Fashions”, by Schwab of St Louis.
First page has “Stoughton & Bennet of Ridgeway MO” on it.
Nice little booklet! 3.5″ wide and around 6 & 3/4th” tall.
This antique fashion magazine has 6 illustrations and then accompanying text for it. It gives a glimpse into men’s fashion of the early 1900’s, and how they advertised it. 
Good piece of copywriting / advertising history for men’s clothing.

Additional information

Weight 0.00 lbs
Dimensions 6.00 × 5.00 × 5.00 in
Schwab of St. Louis Autumn & Winter Fashions Booklet 1906-1907 Ridgeway MO
$24.99 + Shipping